Brooklyn-Queens LEAH Brooklyn-Queens LEAH Brooklyn-Queens LEAH Brooklyn-Queens LEAH Brooklyn-Queens LEAH Brooklyn-Queens LEAH


The Home School Legal Defense Association was established in 1983 as a means to provide low-cost, high quality legal defense to a large (and rapidly growing) number of home educators.

HSLDA takes its commitment to home education seriously. Their attorneys are all parents who have, are, or will home educate their own children.

For an annual or monthly fee ($discounted for Homeschool NY-LEAH members), HSLDA will represent you with legal counsel for any problems you encounter regarding your right to home educate your children. Also provided is Court Report, a monthly newsletter with information on the current legal issues from around the country.

To receive your Homeschool NY-LEAH member discount, you will need the LEAH/HSLDA affiliation number – you may obtain this number once your registration to join BQ-LEAH is approved.

In addition to legal defense services for members, HSLDA closely tracks and works to influence Federal legislation that poses a risk to home educators. On the state level, HSLDA has worked with state homeschool organizations to push for legislation and regulations favorable to home education and to oppose bills that are adverse to homeschooling rights. Many other benefits and services are available to HSLDA members.