Brooklyn-Queens LEAH Brooklyn-Queens LEAH Brooklyn-Queens LEAH Brooklyn-Queens LEAH Brooklyn-Queens LEAH Brooklyn-Queens LEAH

About Us

Thank you so much for visiting our website.

Brooklyn-Queens LEAH is a local chapter of Loving Education At Home (LEAH) serving homeschooling families in Brooklyn and Queens, New York and the surrounding areas. LEAH is a Christian homeschooling group for families in New York State.

Brooklyn-Queens LEAH is a Christian organization in its structure, purpose and belief, which is dedicated to observing the Biblical commands of Deuteronomy 6:4-10, Proverbs 22:6, and Ephesians 6:4.

We promote home education as the Scriptural design for education whereas institutional education is the alternative to the home. We believe that every family has the God-given legal and constitutional right to home educate, regardless of their philosophy of education or religious affiliation.

Brooklyn-Queens LEAH is not a church, nor is this organization meant to replace the ministry of the local church to the home education family.

Our Purpose

Brooklyn-Queens LEAH has grown into a not-for-profit educational group organized to support families involved in or interested in home education, through encouragement, information, activities, and fellowship.

Brooklyn-Queens LEAH is affiliated as a chapter of the Homeschool NY – Loving Education At Home, Inc.

Aspects of this support group include, but are not limited to:

  1. Providing and encouraging support and training for parents through such activities as the parent support group meetings.
  2. Distributing home education materials and information from the national, state, regional, and local levels.
  3. By providing information regarding the regulatory climate of home education in New York State and in our nation, by encouraging home education in New York State and in our nation.
  4. By being involved in protecting the future freedoms of home education in New York State and in our nation.
  5. By promoting the advantages of home education over alternative forms of education outside the home.
  6. By promoting sound, high-quality home education programs for parents or legal guardians for the purpose of developing Christ-like character, and which satisfy the spiritual, intellectual, physical and emotional growth needs of their children.
  7. By providing and promoting opportunities for children and families to interact with others through planned educational and recreational activities.
  8. By encouraging participation in local, regional and statewide home school events.
  9. By supporting accurate home education research and its publication.
  10. By instituting whatever other programs or services in the future as may be deemed necessary by the membership of this organization.

Our Co-op

Our Co-op is a cooperative of parents that work together to teach classes for all grades in our group. From Pre-K thru 12th. We meet two Tuesdays per month and explore, learn and play together.

Our Meetings and Events

Our monthly meetings are for the whole family to enjoy!

We meet in Brooklyn. Some of our themes are Career Night, Living History, Christmas Fellowship, Academic Challenge and Food Festival!

We host a number of events including a Homeschool 101 for parents, 2 picnics every year, Science Day with dissections, Be Creative Day, Mom’s and Dad’s Night Out, Teen Social and so much more!

Click below to read our Statement of Faith

Benefits of Membership

If you have been a member for a while or are considering joining a LEAH chapter here are some of our benefits:

* Encouraging and supportive chapters

* Relationships with like-minded Christian homeschool families

* Support from veteran homeschool families, who have years of experience and are willing to help

* Curriculum experience, knowledge, and support

* Prayer support

* Paperwork support

* Our quarterly magazine, the Messenger

* Discount membership fee for HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) Highly recommended. NYS LEAH maintains a strong relationship with HSLDA, in an effort to continue and expand homeschool and parental rights in NYS.

* Events designed to meet the needs of a particular region, including New to Homeschool workshops

* Discount registration fee for regional events

* Legislative voice in Albany and Washington representing Christian homeschoolers

* Fast-breaking communications regarding alerts and action items of homeschool importance

* Access to the most comprehensive information on Special Needs Resources

* Annual High School Commencement Ceremony (regional and statewide)

* Board of Directors that are committed to serving the needs of their members. One way this is accomplished is by maintaining relationships with other Christian homeschool organization through the nation. Keeping our finger on the pulse of homeschooling needs and trends.

* And much more….